Congratulations Bob Hardcastle!

Bob Hardcastle KM6OWV, Passed his General exam on Saturday 4/27/2019! He wrote a nice note letting the GOTAhams know the great news and thanking our club for the gift of his new tri-band handheld radio.

Great job KM6OWV, now we need to recruit some new technician class operators as all our technicians have upgraded!… OK folks, time to “Teach One” (c;

Dave Casler Mentions GOTAhams

Dave Casler, on his weekly “Ask Dave” live stream read a note I had sent him about the Icom IC-7300. I had included that Kathi and I had formed a new Ham Club and added a link to our website. To my surprise he actually shared our main webpage with his worldwide audience and gave some nice praises about how more clubs should use the “Get On The Air” methods that we focus on! It is worth the time to watch this video and listen to Dave reminisce about his early Ham Club experiences. I have added a link for your convenience below.

YouTube, at about the 58 minute mark
Ask Dave Q&A 27 April 2019

April adventures re-cap?

Its been a while since my last blog, but some updates and upcoming events are in order.

Our members have been quite busy, Bruce and Jack upgrading to General privileges at the end of March and Vic upgrading just 2 weeks later! I am so proud of these friends! Now… it is Your turn to help others get their Amateur license or upgrade to your level. Doing that kind of mentoring is what the hobby is about and the pride you will feel is certainly worth the time you will invest.

Kathi and I had planned on doing the “Homingin” transmitter hunt on April 20, unfortunately working long hours led to some foot issues so we opted for the Claremont swap meet and came across a couple of GOTAhams hanging out with Richard Pryor. We also did some shopping and picked up a couple used Alliance U100 antenna rotators. Used (discontinued) rotors might seem like a fools game but I happen to know of a Ham that rebuilds and supplies parts for those and many other popular antenna rotators, Norms Rotor Service. Hopefully I can build myself a poor mans satellite tracker system out of this $20 purchase.

In our “Shack” we do a little kit building and play with homebrew antennas. I soldered together a really cool Morse tutor kit by for Kathi. She did the calibrating on it and now has a nice little tutor touch keyer for her CW practice.

I started building a T-hunt antenna with offset attenuator from and a few pieces of PVC pipe adorned with tape measure pieces cut out of a FREE Harborfreight 25′ tape measure. Our long plan for this antenna is to aquire a few “Fox” transmitters, have a fun little antenna build day in the park and get all the GOTAhams hunting those little foxes down! I would like to get a few kids at field day playing with these antennas. Fox hunting is a Receive only event requiring no amateur license to participate! Lets get the YLs out there hunting also! is holding another event on May 4th if anyone wants to learn from some experienced Transmitter Hunters.

Kathi is tirelessly reading every word of the field day rules (as I’m sure Mark is) making sure all rules are followed and our field day submissions are correct. It was brought to our attention that another local Ham club began their field day planning assuming the wrong date!? Rest assured our date IS correct including Kathi calling the ARRL to be reassured we have that date correct.

GOTAhams is planning our picnic in the park at San Dimas Canyon park on May 18th, same day as the Claremont Swap Meet. We are looking forward to seeing you at the swap and at the park!


Congratulation Vic! new General

Vic Corrella KM6RWB passed his Amateur General test… The GOTA’s were all rooting for ya! Now we have one Tech and a few “Goat Kids” (yet to be licensed) and our new generals are setting that bar pretty high! Can we expect a newsletter article about your journey to General? We did miss you at rookie roundup, sounds like you had a good excuse. (c;