GOTAhams Board meeting at Casa Jimenez Wed. Jan. 29th

The GOTAhams Board will be meeting Wed. Jan. 29th at our regular meeting place, 921 W. Foothill Blvd Claremont CA. 91711. Topics will be Direction/Focus of the Club, Budget, Outreach, Bylaws/Constitution, Field Day plans and other items that may be introduced.

We post the meeting here publicly because this organization is Member driven and all members are welcome to attend and voice their opinions, give input and introduce discussion items.

We expect a small group, so we plan on meeting in the restaurant’s small meeting room near their bar area. We have heard from members that can’t make the meeting but have some input, that is always an option, simply email Kathi at with any concerns you would like the Board to discuss and Thanks for your input.

Winter Field Day with GOTAhams Saturday Jan. 25

Join us Saturday January 25th at San Dimas Canyon Park and “Get On The Air” with the GOTAhams. We plan on setting up several HF band stations and will attempt to make as many contacts as we can from 1900 UTC (11:00 AM PDT) until Dusk (park closing). The link above has lots of information including rules, Station locator map and scores from past years.

As always during our outings in the Park, Everyone is welcome, no license is required, we are sure you will learn something and “Get On The Air” Our Secretary always has something for Children to do, from making “Morse Code necklaces to code practice and building electronic circuits with “Snap Circuits”

Also our events are always “Social Events” first that include Radio Communication So come out Socialize and find out how much fun you can have with a transceiver.

We will begin “Set-up” at 9:00 AM, East end of San Dimas Canyon Park 1628 Sycamore Canyon Rd. San Dimas 91773.

GOTAhams General Meeting Tuesday Jan. 14th 2020

Another Year gone by, Holidays have past, I know we had a busy 2019 but that was our first year of learning about being a Radio Club. What I believe we’ve learned is Clubs need a purpose! ours is easily apparent within the name “Get On The Air”, I do believe we have been true to that namesake.

2020 will have us continuing in that mission of, Helping HAMs Get On The Air and keeping the Amateur Radio community “Radio Active”.

There have been Challenges from across the country by the 2019 club of the year to create a “New Ham Boot Camp”. Locally we have been asked to help the Tri City ACS with their mission of educating and licensing new hams. Our mission supporting Tri City is to help get those newly licensed Hams Get On The Air and help them find their interest or passion within this hobby.

At this Months meeting I will be Challenging each of you to find and mentor (elmer) a new or a non-active Ham to help them learn all the opportunities this Hobby has to offer. get them to check in to a local net, discover some of the field activities like a Swap meet, Radio store, GOTAhams field Ops etc.

I will also be asking for input of course content for our “New Ham Boot Camp” presentation and volunteers to help present during our “Boot Camp”.

It is not all work, we will have our monthly Raffle and as always input from YOU our members is Welcome and Highly promoted so bring those Questions and Ideas! (that is the best part of our meetings)

Kathi and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

GOTAhams officially registered on ARRL’s Field Day Locator map

Setup in preparation of our 2019 Field Day at Bonelli Bluffs RV Resort

We have Registered our 2020 Field Day Site and information with the American Radio Relay League ARRL’s Field Day Locator map. It does appear that the GOTAhams are the first California Club to be officially registered. Our information includes the following:

Location: Bonelli Bluffs RV Resort, Spaces B181 and B182, we relocated slightly from our 2019 sites, the new sites give us a clearer “line of Sight” toward the East overlooking Brackett Field, Fairplex and the San Bernardino Mountain range. We still have a view of parts of the Puddingstone Reservoir, it does provide us more real estate for our antennas.

Call sign: WG6OTA

Talk-in Frequency: 446.400 PL 103.5 WA6FZH repeater

GOTA station: Absolutely!

Contact information: Kathi Mixon Ph. 909 917 4451

GOTAhams “NET” Tuesday Dec. 31 New Years Eve will be operational

Yes, I know, Vic KM6RWB had to step in and take control (Net Control) last Tuesday when Kathi was a No-Show. In Kathi’s defense she was out doing last minute shopping for Christmas gifts and meals and didn’t quite make it home in time for the Net. I personally was asleep in my recliner (perfect excuse). Vic in true GOTAhams fashion stepped up to his microphone and took on Net Control Duty completely cold but “Like A Boss”! Thanks Vic for being a “Super Goat”.

This Tuesday Jack KM6UNQ has volunteered to take on Net Control Duties, We meet at 7:00 PM Tuesdays on the San Dimas, Johnstone Peak, California, 446.4, WA6FZH Repeater tone 103.5

If you’re out at your New Years Eve party, Carry your HT and listen in, Check in and offer up some third party traffic check ins with your Party guests! all are welcome.

Tues Dec 24th NET, Yes, we will be “On The Air”

For those of you wondering “will there be a net Christmas Eve?” The answer is YES, we will be active on our regular frequency 446.400 WA6FZH repeater.

We understand that most of you will be at a family get together or Christmas party that night but, if you carry your trustee HT and check-in, we will definitely allow “third party traffic” and let EVERYONE check in to the net!

The Plan is Kathi KD6CAF will handle Net Control. We will likely do just a single round unless folks have something interesting to keep the roundtable going!

So, Charge up the Handy Talkie, carry it with you and at least monitor (with a earphone if you have to) and enjoy Christmas Eve with Mrs. Clause (Kathi).

“Radio in the Park” December 21st

We typically do “Radio in the Park” on the third Saturday of the month following the CARS radio swap meet. December the Granite Creek CommunityChurch is quite busy and uses all its available real estate, so the swap meet skips this month.

We will still be at San Dimas Canyon park with a HF station set up and GOTAhams hosting a more Holiday oriented version of “Radio in the Park”.

Dust of those Holiday sweaters/shirts/hoodies/sweatshirts/t-shirts and show off your holiday festive or Radio Oriented apparel. There will be judging of Ugliest, most Radio centric, Couples theme etc.

Also, bring your favorite Holiday treat to share with the group, We do understand this is “Super Saturday” (the last weekend of shopping before Christmas) So use Us as an excuse to avoid those crowds (c;

We are looking forward to seeing all those wonderful “ugly” sweaters and our Radio friends Saturday December 21st. See Ya’ there and as always everyone is Welcome, no License required Tell your friends.

You can RSVP to Kathi,,