National Night Out

August 6th is the Annual “National Night Out”, find the location in your City by doing a simple web search of “(Your City) National Night Out”

You can find a list of California Cities @

in my city it is

Learn more about it @

Myself and Kathi KD6CAF are local Community Emergency Responce Team (CERT) members, previously trained in the City of Los Angeles and use/share our Amateur Radio skills in CERT service. We will be representing Covina CERT at Heritage park (Citrus and Badillo, Covina) along with other CERT members and our local first responders and City Service representatives.

So, Get out, meet your neighbors, local Community first responders and find out what is going on in your City.

If you would like to be of Service to your community consider becoming a CERT team member or at least take tthe free CERT training, You will learn what to do in an emergency, use your Amateur radio skills and maybe help train others in communications?

I am looking forward to hearing from all of the Club members that make it to “National Night Out” and sharing your stories at our next General Meeting on the 13th of August, see Ya’ll there! ’73 Ken KC6WOK