Tues Dec 24th NET, Yes, we will be “On The Air”

For those of you wondering “will there be a net Christmas Eve?” The answer is YES, we will be active on our regular frequency 446.400 WA6FZH repeater.

We understand that most of you will be at a family get together or Christmas party that night but, if you carry your trustee HT and check-in, we will definitely allow “third party traffic” and let EVERYONE check in to the net!

The Plan is Kathi KD6CAF will handle Net Control. We will likely do just a single round unless folks have something interesting to keep the roundtable going!

So, Charge up the Handy Talkie, carry it with you and at least monitor (with a earphone if you have to) and enjoy Christmas Eve with Mrs. Clause (Kathi).

“Radio in the Park” December 21st

We typically do “Radio in the Park” on the third Saturday of the month following the CARS radio swap meet. December the Granite Creek CommunityChurch is quite busy and uses all its available real estate, so the swap meet skips this month.

We will still be at San Dimas Canyon park with a HF station set up and GOTAhams hosting a more Holiday oriented version of “Radio in the Park”.

Dust of those Holiday sweaters/shirts/hoodies/sweatshirts/t-shirts and show off your holiday festive or Radio Oriented apparel. There will be judging of Ugliest, most Radio centric, Couples theme etc.

Also, bring your favorite Holiday treat to share with the group, We do understand this is “Super Saturday” (the last weekend of shopping before Christmas) So use Us as an excuse to avoid those crowds (c;

We are looking forward to seeing all those wonderful “ugly” sweaters and our Radio friends Saturday December 21st. See Ya’ there and as always everyone is Welcome, no License required Tell your friends.

You can RSVP to Kathi, kd6caf@gmail.com,

December General Meeting, Holiday Party, Open House!

December brings thoughts of new radio toys, Nut Crackers, Sugar plum ferries…. Wait! Wake up, sorry I drifted off there! Lets get real, our December meeting will afford us a look back at how we started, what we’ve accomplished, new friends we’ve made some really wonderful members we’ve gained and more importantly where we’re headed! I’m hoping you may want to bring your friends (hams or not). Introduce them to us, us to them and show them what you do at a boring radio club meeting!

Remember for those interested we will have a “white elephant” style gift exchange. Just go through your radio “junk box” and find something of interest worth $10 (less/More?) bring it with you and we’ll see how this craziness plays out!

I plan on showing a photo presentation of our past year, including field day, picnic in the park, our swap meet outreach and some hamfest photos etc. If ANY of you have photos you would like to include please contact Kathi (kd6caf@gmail.com) with those photos. We will do a “face Net” and ask for any ideas for our coming new year and discuss existing plans and events for 2020.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that it is not Me, or the officers that makes GOTAhams the Fun Energetic group that it has become. It is our members and attendees, whether it be the people we meet at that park events, swap meet, our general (dinner) meetings, each of you bring your own interests and personalities. Many of our “Non-licensed” guests have brought some of the most exiting stories and experiences to our group. You all have heard me and others say “We are a Social Club that does Radio”. It is important that we promote the social side of GOTAhams.

Our November meeting was the most exiting and energetic meeting I can recall with members sharing their interests, be it Ham Radio or whatever else interests you. It Energized Kathi and myself to do all we can to support our members and officers to support this group in whatever direction it may take us. Ken, KC6WOK

Post Script (PS), We will be sharing our “DIY projects”, “Homebrews” or anything you’ve MacGyver’d to help you in this hobby. I know several of you have constructed some version of a “Go Box”, a few have constructed Fox hunt antennas I have an example of a BITX 40 SSB 40 meter transceiver I’m sure a few folks are Arduino or Raspberry pi hobbyists. Bring whatever you’ve been experimenting with to share with the group (remember “Show-n-tell” from elementary school) This should be FUN! (c;

By the way, we will meet December 10th, 7pm at our usual location, Casa Jimenez Mexican Restaurant!

HOMINGIN and GOTAhams at Bonelli Regional Park

Link to HomingIn’s website posts for past local foxhunts


Radio Orienteering mentors Joe Moell KØOV, April Moell WA6OPS and Marvin Johnston KE6HTS, Graciously hosted a ARDF practice “Foxhunt” at Bonelli Regional park San Dimas on Saturday November 23rd.

Kathi and I were early arrivals in the park finding a 5k/10k event in full swing! well they finished up before 10:00 AM leaving us a beautiful park on a beautiful fall day, not too hot, not too cold, perfect for “chasing Foxes”. I bought and built one of Marv Johnston’s antenna kits which was very easy, fairly quick and the only thing I needed was a short cable (BNC to SMA) to connect my HT. Actually any receiver that is capable of reception between 140 to 155 MHZ will suffice if it also has a signal strength meter it is a plus. if you use a transceiver, being able to “lock out” transmit is highly advisable.

GOTAhams made a wonderful showing with Kathi KD6CAF, Myself, Mark Arlotti KM6AHY, Vilma Arlotti, Bruce Vanbuskirk KM6WBI, Charles MacCanns KM6CEM, Charles Mother and Sister made a showing to bring us Texas Chili!, Tim Adams N6DLC, Grace Clark KM6LJL, James Jansen W6FRQ and son Samuel.

As GOTAhams do, we served lunch to all that attended the HOMINGIN event including our hosts (that insisted we put out our “Tip Jar”) the attendees were quite generous and nearly covered all our expenses, that was completely unexpected.

Several of us Chased the “practice foxes” but we didn’t do the timed course, (Next time?) folks that hadn’t attended one of HOMINGIN’s events learned how much fun this aspect of Amateur radio can be, along with our GOTAhams hospitality in a scenic setting? how can you miss!

Kathi Mark and I stayed to help or hosts police the area and get their gear to the vehicles, luckily staying afforded us locating a backpack left behind by one of our members. Yes Kathi and I got it back to his QTH even before realizing it was missing.

GOTAhams will keep a vigilant watch on HOMINGIN’s events and keeping our membership apprised of upcoming practices close to our area. When they return to our local park I’m sure we will Host another picnic for the event and try to get some other local Clubs to join us in the fun!

SoCal ARDF @ Bonelli Regional Park Nov. 23, 2019


Our friends from Homing In will be holding a Transmitter Hunting educational/practice session at Bonelli Regional Park on Saturday November 23rd 2019. We need to show our support by Logging in to their website, registering for the event and if you would like to build your own tape measure Antenna let them know. While your there, add yourself to the ARDF mailing list to stay informed about whats happening at “Homing In”.

GOTAhams will be serving a picnic lunch at this event. Even if you are not planning on “hunting” Come out, have something to eat, socialize with other Hams and their families, watch others “Fox-Hunt”! I’m sure you will learn something new, and may be inspired to use some loaner equipment to try your hand at Transmitter locating (ARDF). Bring your friends! this is a “receiving” only mode so No License needed! so bring the Kids/Grandkids. If you are planning on attending Please send a e-mail to Kathi KD6CAF (kd6caf@gmail.com) to RSVP, We look forward to seeing you ALL there!



  hours  minutes  seconds


Homing In ARDF training/practice

“Homing In” has an extensive Website that covers all aspects of “Radio Orienteering” from the basics into serious international competition. Your time will be well spent researching this very useful aspect of our hobby.

Kathi KD6CAF, Mark KM6AHY and myself spent time at an ARDF training session at Fullerton, Joe Moell KØOV and Marvin Johnston KE6HTS are terrific “Elmers” and took great pride in showing us “Newbies” the basics of Radio Fox Hunting.

Saturday Oct 26, Antennas in the park! 10:00AM San Dimas Cyn.

Saturday Oct 26th is our plan for “Antennas in the Park”. A antenna planning, building, testing but also learning soldering techniques and testing what we’ve built etc. We will also have a transmitter “Fox” to try our hand at some “T-hunting” and most importantly Socialize! We’ll enjoy the fresh air while we “Get On The Air”.

Kathi and I met Vicki Zumwalt N6KLS of Next Generation Antennas at Pacificon. She requested we contact their station on Saturday, the weekend of the CQ World Wide contest. This dictates that we have a HF station “On The Air” during our event and will allow our attendees to get on on HF with the Club Call WG6OTA. With plenty of “control operators” everyone will get a chance.

If you are looking for something to do Saturday, Want to learn a new skill, brush up on old ones or just want to hang out with other Hams or curious non-hams ? Meet us Saturday at San Dimas Canyon Park (east side as usual) at approx. 10:00am ’til ?